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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
- 23.6k posts
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Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!

- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
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- 6 replies
Forgive me in advance if there is a thread already, but has anyone had issues with the "Big May Update" as it pertains to Hyperspin funtionality. I had Hyperspin working just fine on the prior version (1909) but once updated to 2004 build it will not launch. I understand this is a recurring issue after large updates, I have actually fixed this once before. As an FYI: 1.) Verified front end path in RocketLauncherUI 2.) Windows Defender and Firewall Off 3.) UAC off 4.) Exception made for Arcade Drive 5.) Verified Permissions Please help! Spent too many hours trying to figure it out and get it back up and running today! Thanks in Advance! …
Last reply by MikeyWave, -
- 2 replies
Por favor galera, estou querendo colocar os vídeos\snaps em subpastas. Tipo: Media\MAME\Video para: Media\MAME\Video\A Media\MAME\Video\B.... Para que eu possa deixar organizado os snaps por ordem alfabética, onde posso configurar no HyperSpin para conseguir que cada sequência alfabética pegue o vídeo correto de sua subpasta? Obrigado pela atenção.
Last reply by villesmall, -
- 6 replies
Hi folks, It's been awhile since I've had to go in an 're' configure some settings, so I'm a bit lost at this point on how to do this: - Rocketlauncher - Hyperspin system. When I launch a game that doesn't have a corresponding bezel graphic, displayed instead around the game's screen is an old TV with the game's screen inside the TV's screen. Question: How can I stop this bezel from being displayed if I don't have the correct game's bezel available? Thanks
Last reply by Kenny88, -
- 12 replies
Hi forumfriends, When I start Hyperspin and choose "NEC TurboGrafx-16" I get a black screen and the following error message "Cannot find "# # # OrginalAktuell_NEC TurboGrafx-16.ini" 1/ The games are green audited in RocketLauncher and starts when I mark the game and press the little "rocket" icon. 2/ I had a folder with many Roms and all were red, so I created and merged two .xml's and thus got all the files green audit and working, I followed the youtube instructions and temporarily named this xml something else, "# # # OrginalAktuell_NEC TurboGrafx-16.xml" and saved it in my desktop/downloads. Then I backed up the original and renamed the previous file "N…
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 4 replies
Hi All - I have a massive bezel organization project I'm working on and I've reached the SNK section that I'm trying to organize properly and I've gotten a little confused on the actual difference between these systems. I think that SNK AES is the console and carts while MVS is the acrade version of the same games....what is SNK Classics? A mixture of the two? What would be proper on this from an Emulator Perspective or Rlauncher perspective? Currently All my neo geo stuff comes from mame...I was categorizing this under SNK Classics...But I think that may no longer be correct and now think that it is SNK Neog Geo MVS...can someone help clarify please?
Last reply by shredder, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hello, I am working to help out a friend with a beautiful Fix it Felix cabinet that is running Hyperspin on a Windows 7 PC. The only emulators installed are Mame and the FiF 5.3 wrapper. I'm having two seemingly small issues, but I can't resolve either of them and they're driving me nuts. 1. When exiting from Mame to the main Hyperspin wheel, everything works great. But when I try to exit FiF to go back to the main wheel, Hyperspin remains in the "background" and the Windows taskbar is visible at the bottom of the screen. In order to get back to Hyperspin, I need to use the mouse to click. This is the only thing that will work. If I "alt+F4" FiF, it goes back to H…
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 0 replies
Hi, Just wondering if I missed a settings, every time I open Hyperspin in my cabinet and run a game the game runs for about 90 minutes and it goes back on the Hyperspin wheel again. Happens for every emulator I tried, retroarch cores, mame etc. Is there any setting that would reset the emulators back to the wheel after a certain time? Thanks!
Last reply by t824601, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hey All! Two questions really, first, Is the Hyperlists website actively being maintained or has that changed sometime in the past few years? I try to stick to these lists when building out a system or upgrading one due to their completeness of data (game name, manufacturer, release year)...or is there another source that we should be referencing for this info? or has this dispersed into "Lets just find a working list somewhere on the internet" Second question is... If the first question is true and Hyperslists is a reliable source, Does the mame list reflect updates for the most recent version of Mame (currently 0.228)? If not, Is there a complete DBlist availa…
Last reply by ci2own, -
- 0 replies
I know this is the wrong sub, but I was hoping for larger exposure Nintendo Game Boy It appears A-O colored wheels are missing from the FTP, Maybe someone accidentally deleted them?? Could someone please re-upload the missing colored wheels to the FTP ?
Last reply by SORHP, -
- 7 replies
Hi All, I've had HS/Mame configured for a long time. I was using HS with Mame168 last week, and it was running fine. I noticed there was a Win10 update this week, and as of today HS will not launch....I click....I get the little spinning circle for a couple of seconds, then nothing. Can't see it in Task Manager....even tried running it from command prompt...nothing....tried running as administrator....nothing....reboot...no change. Is this just me, or is there a bigger issue at play here? Any help is appreciated. Thx Fabio
Last reply by ruebsy, -
- 1 reply
I can launch a game the first time in hyperspin when I boot it up, but after that it doesn't matter what game I select it won't boot up the next game. If I close hyperspin and hyperlaunch and reopen everything it will boot once again. I don't know if my hyperlaunch is getting into a bad state or what is going on. Has anyone else had this issue?
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 1 reply
I'm trying to get Street Fighter IV (steam) to work in Hyperspin/Rocketlauncher. I'm having multiple issues with both the steam/RL typical setup or if I create a new wheel and don't use RL. If anyone has some advice I'd love to hear it.
Last reply by 32assassin, -
- 0 replies
have a weird project i am taking on. taking a 32" 16x9 screen and painting off a 4:3 box in the middle and i need hyperspin to fully operate inside the box and not go full screen on the 32" so it will give the appearance of a 4:3. anyone have any tips?
Last reply by TheMenace, -
- 5 replies
I'm using JoytoKey to emulate a couple of game systems. When the PC starts, Hyperspin starts automatically. I can control my Hyperspin wheel with the controller just fine. When I exit and re-enter Hyperspin, the game controller still works just fine. However If I go into Rocketlauncher UI, launch a game to test, then exit Rocketlauncher UI and go back into Hyperspin, the controller no longer works. It's almost like JoytoKey isn't loading the Hyperspin profile for some reason. I discovered this while trying to get JoytoKey to work for Playstation 1 games. It works for some of them but not all of them and I can't seem to figure out why. For instance if works just fi…
Last reply by nguerra, -
- 1 follower
- 24 replies
My HyperSpin was working before, but now it's not launching any games!!! The games still launch perfectly through RocketLauncher, but once I try to launch them through HyperSpin, whenever I press the start or "A" button, or even the Enter key on the same game, nothing happens!!! And I did try every game I have in my library! I tried reinstalling the newest version of RocketLauncher, same issue and nothing changed. Does anybody have any suggestions on this?!
Last reply by ljwilson, -
- 414 replies
To get the latest hiscore.dat and HiToText, please visit the HiToText sourceforge page, the link is in my signature. With the recent inclusion of hi score support in Hyperspin, thought it might be a good idea to explain a little of the hi score project, how to incorporate it into Hyperspin, and how to update to the new versions that occur almost weekly now. The hi score project was started a few months ago with the idea that it would be nice to be able to view hi scores for games outside of MAME. I wanted to be able to see my friends' scores and even share scores so that if my brother 100s of miles away beat me 1942 score, I would see it in 1942 when I play. That projec…
Last reply by slizzap, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Can anyone help please? I am a real novice with Hyperspin! My hyperspin used to load fine but now just wont open up!. I have since i last opened it up successfully updated the drivers, firmware and Windows on my PC to latest versions. I updated my Win 10 to the 2004 ver . I have tried the latest fix for Win 10 2004 on the putting the .dll file in the hyperspin.exe folder but no luck.Should i try to re install?
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 0 replies
Anyone have info on how to add the Super Mario crossover games and Abobo's Big Adventure to Hyperspin? I know the games were originally played in a web browser. Are there any .exe versions that are not flash and can be played offline?
Last reply by TheSkurge, -
- 199 replies
Ha not going anywhere but wanted to put in the plug that I’m going to create some tutorials on random things hyperspin and maybe pinball. The channel I’ve created is below, please let me know if you have a specific topic to get covered. Just made one around randomized intro videos Planet Geekdom https://youtube.com/channel/UCdcby-s2GwriaOHGmVC2vGA?sub_confirmation=1 *If you do the facebook thing, find me on the group Hyperspin Arcade Users Worldwide https://www.facebook.com/groups/581676831988120/?ref=group_header Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 1 reply
new to the hyperspin world I just started using hypermarquee but i have a couple of black boxes appearing on my main screen, is there a way to fix this ? any help will do
Last reply by NorryTesi, -
- 16 replies
Hello fellow Hyperspinners, So I have this thought or Question or suggestion or all of the above. Has an outside software developer ever came to the DEVs of Hyperspin wanting to step in but not or maybe take over the project, add to the existing software, update, or bring new fresh ideas to an already awesome piece of software. Would there be any DEVs even considering letting an outside source take over? I know there has been talk for years of a possible Version 2.0. Maybe some company or person would take Hyperspin under their wing and bring the hype back. I would be all for that. I've been a long time member here and user of Hyperspin, I've tried some of the other front…
Last reply by shitoken, -
- 26 replies
Hi all, Ive been following the tutorial series and have taken all the steps, however when I try to launch any game I get the error: cant find hyperspin/databases/future pinball/future pinball.xml same error no matter what game I launch or system. cant find future pinball. im launching in rocketlauncher as advised in tutorial any ideas? thanks heaps
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 3 replies
Anyone else ever come across this? can't figure out where the problem is. I saw another reference to dialogOpen:= i18n("dialog.open") that referenced the shared.ahk but that shecked out fine on my system.
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I have searched this up and down in google and spent some time looking for it in here but i did not see it. you would think its a easy solution... can not figure it out. anyhoo, I am trying to disable auto select in the main system menu so i can take my time looking at the system selections. meaning, when i stop scrolling the menu at a system, i dont want it to make transition to that system theme but only when i press select. I have seen some peoples had theirs done this way so i know it can be done. Anyone know? Also, when i get to to the system wheel, i select the game, it used to launch the game pretty much right away but now it take…
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 2 replies
I've been messing with various frontends and got to thinking about old reliable HyperSpin. I find theme creation in a lot of the newer front ends to be way too overwhelming. I think a cool feature to include in some new iteration of HyperSpin would be the ability to choose a default theme type where you could choose between a default arcade theme, HTPC theme, Cinematic theme, etc. After choosing a theme type, you could have the option to change colors, backgrounds, assets, etc. on the fly (in a way, integrating a dumbed down form of hypertheme directly into HyperSpin). For example, you could have a system theme that by default shows a certain color background, a system im…
Last reply by ninja2bceen,