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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
- 23.6k posts
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- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
on this batman and robin theme i am using particle effect to show the bat signal in the sky (see video below) how do i manipulate the theme.xml to limit the themes to just the top of the screen ? <Theme> <video w="222" h="176" x="512" y="317" overlayoffsety="51" overlayoffsetx="2.7" r="0" below="no" forceaspect="both" time="1" delay="0.5" bsize="0" bsize2="0" bsize3="0" bcolor="0" bcolor2="0" bcolor3="0" bshape="round" type="ease" start="bottom"/> <artwork1 x…
Last reply by craiganderson, -
- 53 replies
Guys as anyone that has seen my posts on here will know im a massive fan of hyperspin and the artists on here. Im more than happy to help and pay to keep hyperspin alive and joined platinum so I could donated and see/use some of the awesome art on here. Ive been watching the hyperspin project for sometime, obviously im not privy to a lot of the info as I don't have the skills or enough time to help as much as I would like. One thing I would ask though is that when parts of the project get completed 100% which there are several bits done as I understand, could someone release them for us all to enjoy. Things seem to have gone quiet and at the beginning I thought this w…
Last reply by KrillCaz, -
- 5 replies
Basically i don't want loose my Hyperspin installation...(emulator and some pc Games) after an Hardware migration (new mobo, processor).... Anybody have some tips help or link (if its possible do that). I want upgrade from my old ONBOARD MOBO CPU to new AMD APUs and MOBO for increase performance!
Last reply by Marcoqwerty, -
- 341 replies
Thanks for being patient, I couldn't get all the requests in, but for now this should get you by, I can probably work on a 1.4 update with some more of the requests filled later this week. I didn't have time to add 2nd monitor support but I will soon. This update includes HS and HQ 1.3, these are just 2 exe's you can overwrite your current exe's with. This won't effect your current setups. Changes: Added mp4 support Added wheel smoothing for crisper wheel graphics and text. Updated flash player to 11. Added last system support when restarting HyperSpin. Tried to fix sound issue (untested) Added PCLauncher support for HyperLaunch. DOWNLOAD 1.3 Experimental with…
Last reply by Darksabre9, -
- 2 replies
hello. im trying to finish up this system question for anybody that has it up and running completely as far as controls for each game? it doesnt seem like all games automatically use the joystick option? is that correct? do some use keyboard letters for controls? thanks ahead of time to anybody who already figured this out or maybe im doing something wrong i have my xpadder mapped to match joystick 0 and joystick 1 but not all games responding thanks
Last reply by djvj, -
- 4 replies
I had my hyperspin set up and only had a few a couple systems with just a few games each. In the processe of setting doing so I got hacked and had to wipe my computer and start all over. I would like to get sets of games and did not know where to find them so I started searching. I have found some sites but worry i'm gonna get hacked again. I would greatly apreciate any advice on some safe places to get rom sets.
Last reply by Polemicist, -
- 2 replies
Just like to say thanks to you all. Without out the guides and all the hard work you guys have put into the stuff on ftp , my little project would not be half done !! I just finshed setting up 2 systems ( cant mention them here lol ) . ill be starting on the touhou project ltrs so any advice would be great. i,ve allready done mugen and openbor , and i think i read on the forum that i use pclauncher. So big thanks again to all involved in the makeing of the themes , guides etc . YOUR LEGENDS
Last reply by starkiller713, -
- 3 replies
Hey homies! I'm going to try something new and do a HyperSteve episode live. I'm learning so it will be totally experimental. I'm going to try and play a random game of hyperspin's choice. Feel free to join the chat and help me out! Starting Now at 5PM California Time! I'll probably play for an hour or so! Here is the link: http://www.twitch.tv/hypersteve Cheers, Steve
Last reply by xHyperSteve, -
- 2 replies
To all, I've been a long time user of HyperSpin and have loved the interface and the community of fellow HyperSpin users. And I know I'll probably get shot for asking this, but..... Is there ANY development work going on for HyperSpin at the moment!?!?!? For such a long time, getting close to a year now...I've not seen ANY kind of news or updates on further development of HyperSpin. Does anyone out there know if any work is being done on HyperSpin itself...or has that died off?!?!?!? Craig - Atlanta, Ga. USA
Last reply by lildivaaa, -
- 2 replies
Just wanted to say hello I was really into the ROM scene many years ago and worked on some Gamebase projects back in the day. Stumbled onto HyperSpin and decided to dust off my box full of back up drives filled with ROMs and start updating them all again. I must say HyperSpin so far is awesome and I would definitely like to become more involved. So if there is anything I can do feel free to let me know. Right now I've just installed everything related to MAME and am playing with that to learn about how everything works. One thing I'm quite keen on doing is getting full integration with XBMC. I'm still learning that so bear with me. Was thinking of throwing together a X…
Last reply by marxkemp, -
- 22 replies
I just replied to a thread I created, and I got a message stating that my reply would not available until it is approved by a moderator. It has been a while since I have posted anything, but I don't remember my posts being delayed until approval. Has this always been the case, or is this something new? Thanks!
Last reply by Aceisback, -
- 4 replies
Hi All, I have been away from Hyperspin en HyperPin for a while. Sold the pincab to make room for another "project" (baby on the way), but kept my arcade cabinet. However, I am going to reinstall everything from scratch, because in 2011, when I built the thing, I was running on WinXP and kept running into issues with different emulators, etc etc. So, now I am thinking about installing win7 and possibly giving the PC an upgrade. However, I have a question regarding backing up the machine once it is running, what would be a better setup with backup/restore in mind: 1 large disc to store everything (OS, roms, artwork, all software) to create a drive that's easy to backup…
Last reply by JaronSenna, -
- 39 replies
Just ordered one of these bad boys to try out with my Hyperspin PC: Pentium Anniversary Edition "K" CPU http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=CP-531-IN Basically, it's a fully unlocked Dual Core CPU that has been widely reported to overclock with ease to 4.6GHz, making it ideal for emulation since most emu's only use 2 cores. The best part is, it only costs around £50. Could be a quality chip for those looking to build a cheap but powerfull Hyperspin box. I will do some testing when it arrives and report my findings on here.... Can't wait to try this out with Dolphin and PCSX2
Last reply by urbangangsta101, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I have looked through the custom sets for wheel art, and this download pack for # - M is listed twice, though there is a difference. There is no N-Z, is that not available in the downloads section then?
Last reply by adeno, -
- 2 replies
hi all is this site any good for mame complies. http://www.systempixel.fr/ thanks
Last reply by andyco40, -
Mame and MESS 0.153 is out... MAME: http://mamedev.org/ Whats New: http://mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0153.txt MESS: Whats New: http://mamedev.org/releases/messnew_0153.txt
Last reply by Polemicist, -
- 3 replies
Hi guys. I have an arcade cabinet with an ArcadeVGA3000 card. In the same room I have a projector which id sometimes love to be able to use to play old snes/megadrive games. Is it possible to install another video card in my machine with a hdmi output and have both mirroring the same thing. That way I could just switch off my arcade screen and play on the projector if I feel like it?
Last reply by puastyle, -
- 2 replies
Ok, up on my FTP folder I made a bunch of extra NES carts for unlicensed games, as well as the gold carts for Zelda games. I want to first start by saying that I'm not an expert in graphic design by any means. I put all my psd files in my folder as well. I would really love if someone would come by and improve on my work; I fully realize not all of them look great. I did the best with what I have and what I know how to do. Anyway, if you're an artist, now you have a list, so have at it! I'd LOVE to see all these in 3D Vector, but anyway, these will work for now. There are many different types of unlicensed carts. Some games fall under multiple categories, especially Co…
Last reply by cowbells, -
- 16 replies
Hi there is it possible to disable the Current Genre Message? I find this very annoying as it comes up every time instead of only once. It would be nice if this could be turned off or show only once as I'm only using the ALL Games genre. Cheers, 8itfrix
Last reply by damageinc86, -
- 6 replies
Crazy question here. Would a new 27" Apple iMac run Hyperspin if it is running Bootcamp or Parallels + W7. Or any big all-in-one Windows 7 computer? I've got an idea to have an ultra minimalist emu machine with a plug in control panel that would live on a shelf when not being played. Has anyone ever built such a machine? Thanks, Andy
Last reply by ThatGuyZeb, -
- 11 replies
Hello! Is it possible to connect coinbox hypersprin?
Last reply by BetaWolf, -
- 6 replies
Hey Homies, This time around HyperSpin threw me into the power of Neo Geo. A little game called, World Heroes! This game seems as though it is coming out of the Street Fighter Era of Fighting games but with the high graphic Neo Geo charm!! Controls felt like a mixture between Street Fighter II and the movement Art of Fighting! As before I'll post this here and in it's own thread to make it easier to find later: HyperSteve - Episode #5 - World Heroes (Neo Geo) Thanks, Steve
Last reply by xHyperSteve, -
- 64 replies
Hey homies, I love me some hyperspin! I thought I would do a series of me playing random games in attract mode. It makes me try new games and enjoy my setup in a new way with you dudes. Just a bit of fun this summer break! Here is the first episode, I hope you guys dig it. Please do like and subscribe so I can show my girlie I'm cool: Thanks, Steve (LSD) This is made with absolute respect for the community and the creators of HyperSpin. It is purely for fun and good times.
Last reply by xHyperSteve, -
- 26 replies
Hello, Have all the Daphne games working exept 1) GP World - video has flashing green squares during intro. then sorta freezes and goes weird black and white when game starts. freezes 2) Thayer's Quest - gets stuck on "your time is running out, add more quarters" screen ...... but really cant do anything to get off that screen.....but the program speaks whatever key i hit while stuck on that screen..... daphne logs to follow
Last reply by crashdogy, -
- 4 replies
I have zzyzzyxx in mame in almost every HS setup I have, none of them ever actually show up. Any ideas?
Last reply by rfancella,