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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!

- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
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- 3 replies
I have two Logitech F710 gamepads to play on my HyperSpin setup, but I find it really annoying to play games that originally needed six buttons on a four button controller layout. For the games I play, this mainly goes for Sega Saturn and some Sega Genesis games. I will probably buy a Bliss-Box soon since I have most consoles (and therefore controllers) physically, but I don't really like the idea of keeping all these controllers in my living room... Today I came across the latest product from 8BitDo: http://www.8bitdo.com/m30/ It's essentially a wireless Sega Genesis replica, so I think it will be great for Genesis, Saturn. What I don't like is that it doe…
Last reply by alcoatjez, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I'm having trouble making the configuration of the controls of these two systems they do not pull the configuration of the control of the emulator the configuration must be made the part in the rocktlaucher but they accept only numbers and not keys or buttons of the control of the 360. From what I saw I should put the numerical code of the control + the code number of the buttons and I wanted to know where I can get this code?
Last reply by pac00zilla, -
- 6 replies
Hi there, I'm trying to run HyperSpin from my laptop that I have shared from my desktop on the same network. When I open it up it works fine, but when HyperSpin needs to access RocketLauncher and its path is hardcoded in the .ini files the file is not found since the shared folder is \\DESKTOP\HyperSpin instead. Any idea how to run HyperSpin from a shared folder?
Last reply by Bungles, -
- 2 replies
HELP ! :) I've been setting up Hypserspin for the first time and thought I'd start small and have NES, ScummVM & Mame setup and working in RocketLauncherUI. They start good and everything works fine within RL. However - as soon as I go into Hyperspin I can move up and down the wheel but I can't select any emaulator. Now I don't know if this is the buttons aren't working or I can't 'enter' a emulator as it isn't 'seeing' the roms. I've tried everything I can think of and done the usual google and searches but this has stumped me ! FYI - I'm running an Ultimarc Ultimate, 6 player buttons (2 player) Any help, pointers or guidance from anyon…
Last reply by AnimalUK, -
- 2 replies
Just thought I'd post this here to give everyone a heads up. I just uploaded a MUCH improved version of the 3D Box Art set for NeoGeo AES which you can download here: I cleaned up a lot of the cover and spine art, and also improved the aspect ratio for better compatibility on more displays. It follows the Hyperspin NG-AES Database 1.0 XML file so more or less all of the US releases should be included.
Last reply by shredalive587, -
- 1 reply
Anyone do this and have some tutorials for ne to follow?
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
OMG please point me in the right direction. LoL. I'm new to the whole emulator scene. I was willing to learn but I'm about to go postal. I hope its not that I'm too old to learn something new. Here is the story. Looking to build an arcade cabinet for my son. I thought the hard part was done ( building the custom cabinet ) but boy was I wrong. I didn't want to purchase the " loaded drive " . I wanted to learn and build it myself. I have watched video after video but I've grown tired. I tried installing it on my laptop as a trial run but that was a no go. Is there a book or a website I can go to to learn. I have the roms but now I have to obtain the videos to run on the fro…
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 16 replies
Hello I have successfully installed Crash Bandicoot trilogy PC game into a PC Games wheel in Hyperspin via rocket launcher and its working great, but I am also trying to get the same game to run from my Crash Bandicoot Collection wheel also. In Hyperspin I see it in the Crash collection wheel with all the art work and videos etc but when I run it I keep getting a cant find any rom path. Its driving me nuts as I have followed exactly what I did when I configured it as the only game in my PC games wheel as the initial test which runs perfectly. It runs in rocket launcher when I configure it in the emulator specific settings and hit launch as it did in my test se…
Last reply by Jetman67, -
- 23 replies
hi guys i just see this post on another website and wondered if hyperspin surport these or in the future. thanks
Last reply by Honosuseri, -
- 0 replies
Hi All I have a complete image of my systems so I installed Windows 1809 and it had no impact on Hyper spin to my suprise, HyperHQ or rocket launcher and works the same as Windows 1703, I did buy the CAB from a reputable company in Brisbane and they had installed it all onto its own drive so the dependency on the OS is very minimal, they also suggested that this would break the software but it did not thus far and I have seen no difference. currently running Hyperspin Version, Rocket Launcher Regards Wayne
Last reply by Jetman67, -
- 0 replies
Hi All I am trying to use the Hypert00ls utility but when I point to my hyperspin.exe in d:\arcade at the hypertool setup I get the attached error and nothing is populated in systems, any body have any ideas, thanks very much unhandled exception, something about a key already being added and some references to .net Wayne Hypertool error.docx
Last reply by Jetman67, -
- 9 replies
I have hotd3 for pc and two aimtraks. I’ve set up 1 and 2 just fine using the aimtrak controller and troubleshooter but for some reason 3 doesn’t work. I’ve got the game set to keyboard for each player. When I start the game I see two mouse cursors and I can select from the menus. Once I push start though the cursors go away and I enter the game. I see the two cross hairs red and blue but they don’t move nor does the gun shoot. Within troubleshooter I have the game enabled. I tried to not hide the cross hairs to see if it was picking up and the game doesn’t show the troubleshooter cross hairs just the default ones in game. If I use the keyboard for each player the game wo…
Last reply by shiryu55, -
- 72 replies
For those like me who struggled to find an inexpensive solution to light gun games on an LCD screen, I would recommend getting the Mayflash Dolphin Bar. http://www.amazon.com/TOTALCONSOLE-W010-Wireless-Sensor-DolphinBar/dp/B00HZWEB74 Its 18 bucks, plug and play, and really easy to switch between mouse and wii mode. Currently adding every game I can that supports a mouse as a light gun emulation. Nestopedia and MAME seem to work great so far. Going to look into PS1 and PS2 next. I originally purchased this just for Wii games, but noticed the mouse mode stuck it in one of those cheap gun holders and loving it. After banging my head against the wall with BlueSolei this was …
Last reply by KRIS85, -
- 12 replies
Hi Guys, I'm on a fresh install with the latest HyperLaunch. HyperHQ and HyperSpin both work fine for testing games, however, when I try to load HyperLaunch.exe I get an error message: cannot find: ...\Databases\Systems.xml The Systems.xml does not exist. How do I create it / where should I get it? I've never seen this error before. Thanks, Owen
Last reply by take2videosmi, -
- 14 replies
Hi everyone. I am new to all this. Watch All the videos on installing Hyperspin that I can handle before my brain turns into mush. My question is, Can I install Hyperspin and RocketLauncher on the Raspberry Pie 3? I want to build a Bar top cabinet and having very little room inside the cabinet I think I would prefer to use the Raspberry Pie instead of a regular Pc. Thanks
Last reply by MasterStef, -
- 155 replies
Hello, not quite done yet. But I am working on an Atari ST setup that includes 2870 ROMS all of which should auto-load. All have generic wheels and so far 2690 (i did not mak of them have video snaps. I am using the "gamebasest" frontend as an emulator which then uses STEEM. This frontend is setup/designed to autoload. The gamebaseST people have tweaked the roms and have special "code" in their frontend such that the games auto load except for one specific rom type (but they are duplicates i think so i erased them from set).. the 2870 is after the dupes are gone@!. Here is the website for the gamebaseST frontend. http://www.gamebasest.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/ not done yet…
Last reply by Zeaede, -
- 1 reply
I managed to get hold of an old version of Mame where the Cave shooters were working. So I want to add this to my Hyperspin setup. Obviosuly I don't want to ruin my existing setup. I know I need to add extra lines to the Mame.xml files to tell Hyperspin where to go for those specific titles. This has been done. The roms are in the same folder as the existing mame setup. So I have 2 different .exes and 2 different .inis. Seems like it should work but Hyperspin keeps saying "cannot find mame64.ini". I called the new addition mame64. I even made a CreateConfig.bat file in Notepad to make the mame.ini file, and it's there. And Hyperspin can not find it. But if I lau…
Last reply by dark13, -
- 1 reply
I'm building a cocktail cabinet. Is there a way to split the screen on other emulators/throughout hyperspin? Pic related: Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
Last reply by m714w, -
- 2 replies
I recently installed Hyperspin on my PC and everything seems to be working properly. However I am having an issue with my second controller. I am using two wireless Xbox 360 controllers and both work when accessing the HyperSpin wheel and choosing games. However when I start Mario 3D World it will only allow me to use controller one. The second controller does not work. I would like to play two players but can't figure out how to get the second controller working. The second controller does work with other games, so I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I am using Xpadder.
Last reply by Creezz67, -
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- 27 replies
Well guys, it's been a LONG time coming, but I'm finally at the point in my build that I am actually able to PLAY my system, instead of just constantly tinkering with it over and over. I have seen a lot about using Windows XP or 7 to 'shell' the OS, but I'm not sure that's the desired effect I want. Here is what I envision, ideally, but I don't know what is actually possible: 1.) Push Power Button. 2.) BIOS screen is replaced with custom logo. 3.) The windows OS logo while loading is replaced with a custom animation/video 4.) Login screen is completely skipped 5.) Boots right into Hyperspin without seeing the desktop. I realize I'll probably have to some compromise her…
Last reply by SharkeyMods, -
- 2 replies
Ok. I'm new at this. Basically, when I initially set up Rocket Launcher I set Hyperspin.exe as my Default Frontend Path in Rocket Launcher. I opened Hyperspin, and opened games and all was well. Few hours later I turn off PC, go to bed. Next day, I come home boot up PC, run Hyperspin and get error message about RetroArch. See first attached pic. I look at my global setting and see that RocketLauncherUI.exe is set as my Default Frontend Path, see 2nd pic. I change it back to Hyperspin.exe and all is again well, games are launching. Next day, boot up PC. Same thing. Why is it forgetting my settings when I turn off the PC? Is there a 'Save Settings' or 'And I mean …
Last reply by Ozbrithian, -
- 1 reply
Hello, My rig setup if anyone asks, (Overkill I know....BUT FREE...lol) Alienware Aurora R3, Intel Core i7 2600 (3.40 GHz) 8 GB DDR3, 1 TB SSD HDD, 8 TB Hyperspin SATA HDD, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580 & Windows 10 Home. I started working on the machine 2 yrs ago but literally ran out of time and the rig has just been sitting now the past year. Anyways, I found a brilliant person who builds arcade cabs and deals with all the Hyperspin stuff for a living and he has been a huge help on taking over my project. We started to notice that LED Blinky is causing problems with games in Hyperspin using Hyperlaunch. Games launch but to see the game you have to hit …
Last reply by Blade111, -
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- 16 replies
I'm trying to make my computer feel like I'm booting up an arcade. Is it possible to not show my bios, windows loading screen, etc- and also instantly load into hyperspin? Also, how do I make a power button to automatically turn on my PC and then shut it down with a button press.
Last reply by dark13, -
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- 2 replies
I'm a noob to Hyperspin, so sorry for the probably stupid question, but is there an automated way for me to remove repeated MAME games from my wheel? I don't really need 5 different versions of Pac-Man.
Last reply by KRIS85, -
- 2 replies
I have sound for everything except when I launch a game (any game) the wheels have sound and all other sounds. I had sound originally then it just stopped.....possible I git a wrong key combo? Thanks!
Last reply by Thall17,